Raise a Concern/Refund Request

Refund of Fees

 Students who choose to withdraw from the University shall be refunded as follows:


Withdrawal Status: (according to University Calendar)

Refund of Paid Tuition Fees


before first day of classes

90 % refunded


during the first week of add and drop period for fall and spring semesters, or during the add and drop period of summer semester.

75 %  refunded


during the second week of add and drop period for fall and spring semesters

50 %  refunded


after add and drop period

No refund


Students who choose to withdraw from one or all course(s) shall be refunded some tuition fees as follows:



Withdrawal Status: (according to Academic Calendar)

Refund of Paid Tuition Fees


before first day of classes, and during the first week of add and drop period for fall and spring semesters, or during the add and drop period of summer semester.

100% credited to student as a credit for registration in subsequent semester.


during the second week of add and drop period for fall and spring semesters

75% credited to student as a credit for registration in subsequent semester.


after Add and Drop period

No cash refund,

No credit to student for registration in subsequent semester.


Student’s right to claim refund for withdrawal statuses (1) and (2) shall be waived if s/he does not register (enroll) in the subsequent semester.

Last Updated on February 15, 2024 @ 03:11:06 pm

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AI Assistant Maryam