Center Projects

The Innovative Education Unit presented a project on how to convert the content of some university courses into animations. A long search was conducted for the best programs and applications through which to implement this process. Indeed, we obtained a trial subscription to the Dudley platform. The unit produced a lecture that was the content of one of the lectures of the Bahrain History and Culture course. The lecture was given to the faculty members at the university, and there was a discussion among colleagues about the difficulties that the professors face in implementing the project. After that, the unit found a user-friendly platform that is better than the previous one, which is the Find platform and got a trial subscription to this platform and produced a lecture for the Arabic language course, then three members of the staff got Teaching an educational course to manage work on this platform in preparation for participation in it and implementation of the project in the academic year 22-23.

The unit was keen to find a platform to produce interactive lectures and after a long research, the unit settled on the H5p platform It is a user-friendly platform that has 27 ways to convert lectures into interactive and is installed on the Moodle platform so that the student remains using only one platform without being distracted between sites and platforms. An experiment was conducted for all the 27 events on the university platform and the result was amazing.

Last Updated on November 19, 2024 @ 06:31:55 pm

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AI Assistant Maryam