Interior Design Engineering Students presenting their final projects in the furniture Design Course.

Interior Design Engineering Students presenting their final projects in the furniture Design Course.
The IDE students have visited The Avenues under supervision of Dr. Ashraf Nadheer during Fall Semester 2021-2022 on 25/10/202. The site visit was for Interior Design Studio III students. Analyzing interior environment by exploring the type and functions of the given commercial spaces such as […]
The IDE students have visited 4 Season Hotel under supervision of Dr. Ashraf Nadheer during Fall Semester 2021-2022 on 21/10/202. The site visit was for Interior Design Studio IV students. Analyzing Hotel interiors & environments Analyze the wide-ranging of users’ needs, activities, and interactions that […]
Faculty members of the College of Engineering have obtained IET associate membership from the Institute of Engineering and Technology, UK, which is Europe’s largest professional and non-profit organization for the development and promotion of Science and Technical Engineering. Gulf University also supported a group of […]
It was invited Eng. Rabih Halik (manager of Veer Interiors Company) form industry as a guest speaker to deliver a lecture regarding Design Management for IDE students in Design Studio courses on 24/2/2021 during Spring Semester.
It was invited Fatima Al-Ansari as a guest speaker General Manager of Fatima Al-Ansari Company for Interior Design to deliver a lecture about Design Process for IDE students in Design Studio I course during Spring Semester 2020-2021.
The College of Engineering renewed the agreement of cooperation with the office of Eng. Fatima Al-Ansari with the aim of activating local partnerships with specialists in this field, exchanging experiences, and providing students in the interior design engineering program with the latest knowledge from leading […]
IDE students have participated in a Podium Design competition conducting by IDE program in Gulf University. Three students participated in this competition and submitted their ideas and design to the IDE jury committee to evaluate the design. The winning student was Abdulla Isa. 1. ABDULLA […]
IDE program has conducted a 3D Max workshop for 2 days by lab assistant Ms. Niha Shabbir. It was a basic training of 3D Max foundation as community services during Fall Semester/December 2020.
“Interdisciplinary Thinking on Instructional Design for Distance Learning in Interior Design and Architecture Programs” The transition of educational process from physical classroom learning to distance learning around the world recently has led to restructuring the instructional design of distance learning in higher education. The nature […]