- This event has passed.
اسم العضو | د. عمر بليبيك |
عنوان تدريب أو ورشة عمل أو استشاري | تقييم دورة الحياة: استكشاف برنامج "One Click LCA" |
Target Audience or accurate needs and number of attendances | Students, Faculty and Local Communities. |
Expected outcomes of Training or Workshop or consultant service | Exploring Life Cycle Assessment through “One Click LCA” Software and it’s extensions to BIM with “ CES EduPack -Granta”. This Workshop aims to explore common practices about life cycle assessment practices with a useful exploration of principles to raise (Academia & scholars/professional/non-professional) communities’ awareness of environmental impacts, aspects and weighting. |
Reflection of the Training or Workshop or consultant service on university and partner | يُعلن لاحقًا |
التاريخ | 19/02/2023 |
المدة | ثلاث ساعات / يوم |
وقت البدء
فبراير 19 - 12:00 ص -
نهاية الوقت
فبراير 19 - 11:59 م -
+973 1762 0092 -
البريد الإلكتروني
dr.mohammed.isam@gulfuniversity.edu.bh -
Community Engagement and Continuing Learning Center -
Last Updated on January 2, 2023 @ 03:39:02 pm